Modern exhaust system

Modern exhaust system

The idea that complicated ventilation systems are necessary to create a good and energy-efficient indoor climate can be a costly misunderstanding. A fan-controlled exhaust system combined with Easy-Vent is usually a much simpler and more economical solution. And also healthier.

By filtering with effective comfort filters and sound-absorbing ducts, clean, quiet and draught-free fresh air is guaranteed. The system is easy to scale, install, maintain and, not least, understand. It has few components, which makes it reliable. Since there is no supply fan, bulky supply air ducts are avoided. The adjustment is simple, as is the control and adjustment equipment. In the event of a fire, Easy-Vent acts as a pressure reliever, which simplifies the fire prevention solution. Easy-Vent is a proven component for houses with fan-controlled exhaust air.

It is also an energy-efficient system that requires little electrical energy. The ventilation is easy to adjust and supplement with, for example, an extractor-air heat pump. The system has limited environmental impact as few components, which require resources for production and transport, are included.